We just thought that we would thank you for your time & offer you a complimentary 200.00 loose print credit. Ask for details 😉
We can appreciate the time involved In planning a wedding and all of the fact finding involved, and decision making.
We so very much appreciate that you took time to view our work and speak to us at the show. We love what we do, really … We know that it is hard work and tedious and not always acknowledged.
But, we know that someday your children will look at your memories and they’ll get to enjoy a moment in time that changed your life, forever…
So, Brides of 2012 & 2013 Congratulations!!
We hope we can “Save the Date” for you .
Please fill out the CONTACT form to schedule a consultation and receive a current price menu.
Tammy * Jason Odom
Two photographers… One vision… YOURS
“Inside every story, there is a beautiful journey”
– Louis Vuitton
251 928 5944